The Morning Roll Call on WLVR
On this day, April 17th, please keep the families, friends, and loved ones of the following in your thoughts and prayers. The following names belong to those who have paid the Ultimate Sacrifice for you and I during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
(Iraq) 2003 Corporal Rivero, John Travis U.S. Army National Guard
C Company, 2nd BN, 124th Infantry Division
Here is a Vet Eric Musselman reading one on the day some of his friends were killed- Listen and see how it is done
Here is one read by Talk Show Host Chris Salcedo (The Blaze- radio network) he rewrote it to read it easier.
Here is the Aug 6th 2014 Roll Call -The day that the Seals of Extortion 17 are remembered.
If you'd like a date please email me and let me know as to not duplicate dates we have lots, 300 left as of April 13th 2014, but we need help with all the dates. Thank You
Fred John Boenig- Gold Star Father- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 484 239 3219